Please Share Hope

Hope is a funny thing. It is powerful and plentiful if you choose it, yet fragile and scarce if you don’t. The other extraordinary aspect of hope is that once you share it, hope can multiply exponentially – and costs no money at all. The “cost” is in elevating your care, kindness, and compassion. WowContinue reading “Please Share Hope”

Be That Person

 A little while ago, I received a text from my friend, Lynn (see the post: Ultra Compassion in Red if you want to learn about her positive actions). It was a simple quote: “Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people.” (If you know the author of this quote, send that onContinue reading “Be That Person”

Activate Yourself

“Activate yourself,” my mentor told me recently. Her comment was more of command than a suggestion. She knows me well and could see I was thinking and analyzing a bit more than was necessary. My mentor was pushing me to act. Thank goodness for her. I dove into a project I have been talking aboutContinue reading “Activate Yourself”

Start Where You Are

It’s so easy to wait for the perfect moment, to keep “getting ready”, or to want to feel really confident before moving ahead. However you feel, you can start now – where you are. It’s a funny thing about action: once you take one step, you have a new foundation for the next step.  EvenContinue reading “Start Where You Are”

How Much Are You Worth?

“How much are you worth?” my coach asked me. Even though I know her well.  I thought this was a presumptuous question. Why would she ask me that? My coach must have read my mind. “Anita, what do you think I am asking you,” she queried. I sheepishly replied, “Do you want to know howContinue reading “How Much Are You Worth?”

For Success: Choose Your Next Challenge

I sometimes think it would be nice to get into cruise mode and allow that momentum to create greater success and happiness without much effort on my part. I know this isn’t the reality of the world. Even if it was – that wouldn’t be so good for me – or you. Without taking onContinue reading “For Success: Choose Your Next Challenge”

Build Your Foundation

Foundations are important – from our knowledge to our home – and it’s essential to test and upgrade them. While people do this in many areas of their lives, it’s less common to check in on our foundation of hope, courage, and confidence. Focusing and enhancing your foundation in these areas will make your lifeContinue reading “Build Your Foundation”