How Valuable Are You?

If someone asked you the question,”How valuable are you?” – what would you say? Would you list off your degrees, jobs, and accomplishments? While these have their place, there is something more. Your worth is a combination of things you can easily measure (like your compensation) AND your attitude and behavior. In today’s world, opportunitiesContinue reading “How Valuable Are You?”

How to Remain Undefeated

It’s always exciting when our favorite team is undefeated. Yet, to me, the more important consideration is how you, me, and each person on earth can remain undefeated in this lifetime? Some people believe that never having a defeat is impossible. I would disagree. Pause and remember what “undefeated” actually means. It is not thatContinue reading “How to Remain Undefeated”

Finish What You Start

It’s a funny thing with the brain. When you set actions you actually achieve, your brain rewards you with neurobiological chemicals that empower you to do more. The motivation to keep advancing is internal and requires little to no sustained willpower. On top of all this, your brain doesn’t really even care about the sizeContinue reading “Finish What You Start”

What’s Right in Front of You

I was with a group of friends recently. There was a lot of complaining about the state of the world, how big the problems are, and the impossible nature change. As I was about to get sucked into this vortex of negativity, I made myself pause and say a few things. “Guys,” I said. “CouldContinue reading “What’s Right in Front of You”

Super Success Strategies

Over the years, I have read my fair share of books, articles, and more on how to succeed – with each expert talking about how “perfect” his or her approach is. Yet, whenever I didn’t achieve my goals and dreams employing a particular strategy, I viewed this as a failing on my part. Not anContinue reading “Super Success Strategies”

Self-Generated Motivation

It’s a funny thing about motivation, you don’t often notice how motivated you are until your motivation goes down or even stops. So how can you prevent these lapses in forward motion? It’s simple, even if not easy: Know why you want to achieve a specific goal. Pile on the reasons now as you willContinue reading “Self-Generated Motivation”

Handwritten Happiness

I will admit that I was not the best thank you note writer as a child. It was a bit of a tussle to get me to put my words of appreciation onto cards, put the cards into envelopes, and address them. Yet that all flipped a number of years ago when I read aContinue reading “Handwritten Happiness”