Do I Have To?

Yesterday, I was coaching an MBA student to get ready for a BIG interview. In my role as interviewer I asked, “What would you do if you are asked to work in tech without an opportunity to do general strategy consulting?” His reply seemed innocent enough, “If I have to, I’d be willing to workContinue reading “Do I Have To?”

Jobs You’re Good at and Enjoy

Unless you’re independently wealthy, you have to work. So why not do something you’re good at and enjoy. What kind of work would you do if you were really rich? Don’t quit your day job yet, but do consider how you can work toward this “dream” job? Before starting, assume there is a way. HaveContinue reading “Jobs You’re Good at and Enjoy”

The Language of Kindness

A Russian Proverb states, “A word of kindness is better than a fat pie.” So think about this . . . A little kindness can have an enormous impact. So use it generously, especially with yourself.  Actively notice what you say to yourself. Practice using hopeful, optimistic, and encouraging language when talking to yourself. ItContinue reading “The Language of Kindness”

Are You on Good Terms with Yourself?

How do you get along with yourself? The answer to that question holds the key to your happiness. It’s a simple fact: You can’t please all of the people all of the time. That said, you will find that the more you please yourself, the more independent you’ll become and the more you’ll please others.Continue reading “Are You on Good Terms with Yourself?”

How to Empower Yourself

An easy, practical, and fun idea . . . Make your own quotation book.  Every time you read or think of something you want to remember, enter it in a notebook or journal. Review your quotes often to make you think and brighten your spirits. And while you’re at it, share your treasury of quotesContinue reading “How to Empower Yourself”

Make an Authentic Connection

Speak cheerfully. Learn people’s names. Be generous with your attention and praise. Listen to others’ opinions. These ideas don’t cost much time or money and they’re a great investment toward a full and satisfying life. Do for others without neglecting yourself. In time, you’ll find the right balance for you. Warmly, Anita

Life After Adulthood

Being an “adult” enables you to take responsibility for your life, support yourself, and make a contribution to your family, community, and workplace. But don’t forget your youthful rebellious side.  Give it a voice or it will fight to be heard. So, explore something new today – just because you want to. And . .Continue reading “Life After Adulthood”

Why Rate Others?!?

Why put people into categories at all? Why distance a person from you by classifying him or her as an “undesirable?” Everyone has a God-like self or Buddha nature. All you have to do is find it. Here’s a little secret: the best of another person will surface when you generously share the best ofContinue reading “Why Rate Others?!?”

Be a Benefit

Be a benefit to those you see and talk to. Certainly do not sacrifice yourself or be untrue to what you believe in. However, do focus on the good in each person and circumstance – and share the good in you with others. With that in mind, you will be a benefit in others’ livesContinue reading “Be a Benefit”