The Space to Breakthrough

I was having lunch with a friend today. He was sharing  how he has been waiting for an ah-ha moment to be able to see his next move. At first, he wanted to do a bunch of things and act in ways to find this next Big Thing. Yet a wise mentor told him thatContinue reading “The Space to Breakthrough”

Leading Success

I was chatting with a friend recently. His company has gone through a merger and the employees of the acquired company is (shall we say) less than cooperative. This man’s frustration is running high because of the lack of action by his new colleagues. To his credit, my friend realizes that he has been negativelyContinue reading “Leading Success”

You Can’t Win – Or Can You?

I have been meeting with people who have a “hidden” dream that they believe is impossible. They never pursue it (even a little), so it’s not clear if the goal is achievable or not. Living in that limboland is unfair to you and to those who want you to succeed. So be honest with yourself.Continue reading “You Can’t Win – Or Can You?”

Success Requires Putting a Line in the Sand

I was working with someone today who is very flexible and is open to many options. While on the surface, this could seem brilliant, it’s quite the opposite. In today’s world, individuals want to support others who have a firm idea of where they want to go and the specific value they bring. So ifContinue reading “Success Requires Putting a Line in the Sand”

Stay the Course

There are times that starting something is way easier than completing it, especially when you face an obstacle. At those moments, launching something new could appeal to you. I suggest that you pause and ask yourself if you are moving on out of convenience or because it’s the right thing to do. Only you willContinue reading “Stay the Course”

What’s Next and After That?

I was meeting with someone today who presented something quite obvious and also deeply profound. He told me that after a crazy 12 months chasing things that he didn’t really want, he sat down and looked at his deep goals and dreams. “Don’t wait,” he said. “The time is now and the world is waiting.”Continue reading “What’s Next and After That?”

To Succeed: Give Without Strings Attached

Some people give fully without expecting anything in return. This is a rare breed of individuals. Personally, I believe this takes almost superhuman strength. That said, I believe we all have moments where it’s definitely possible to share value not be waiting for the payback. At those times, opportunities, connections, and more will flow backContinue reading “To Succeed: Give Without Strings Attached”

Press Forward to Success

One of the trickiest things for me to determine is this: is an obstacle something to pivot from or push through? While there is rarely a definitive answer (except retrospectively), one clear marker is what you feel. If  pivoting is the easy out, that usually means to press forward (even if it’s a little scary).Continue reading “Press Forward to Success”