Encouragement is Not a Selfless Act

I was just thinking about why encouragement is so important – at least to me. When I am in need of encouragement, I am so happy and grateful to have people in my life who are willing to extend themselves and lift me up. On the other hand, when I see someone who could useContinue reading “Encouragement is Not a Selfless Act”

The Encouragizers Project – MSA 29

MSA 29: I can’t really claim that I took an active role in this MSA. It’s not like it was something completely under my control with a metric (This is the definition of an MSA.) Yet something happened today and didn’t react so well to the situation. Yet, I decided to create even a teenyContinue reading “The Encouragizers Project – MSA 29”

Overwhelmed With a Bit of Perspective

Okay. I will admit it, it doesn’t take a lot for me to feel overwhelmed. Now, most people who know me wouldn’t necessarily think this to be the case – given all that I do. Yet, it’s true. What I have come to realize is that I am far from alone. This perspective helps meContinue reading “Overwhelmed With a Bit of Perspective”

The Encouragizers Project – MSAs 26 and 27

Two quick updates: MSA 26: Made time to write specific examples that can give readers a plan of action for building advocates. Felt good when I completed this MSA. MSA 27: Had a very enlightening conversation with a new friend who receives many outreach requests because he works for an employer that is a dreamContinue reading “The Encouragizers Project – MSAs 26 and 27”

Stop Procrastination in its Tracks

I find that procrastination “inspires” fear in me. The longer it goes on, the less likely I will take action which reduces my confidence, courage, and forward momentum. Yet, I’m the kind of person who is  curious and that curiosity helps me ahead. What I have learned over the years is that I can (andContinue reading “Stop Procrastination in its Tracks”

The Paradox of Obstacles

To be perfectly honest, I am not the biggest fan of obstacles. That said, I do like transforming them into something beneficial. Over the years, when I face an obstacle –  I first get upset, then scared, and after some time I muster the courage, resolve, and determination to change my situation for the better.Continue reading “The Paradox of Obstacles”

The Elusive Nature of Courage

Courage is a funny thing. You realize you have it after the fact – once you demonstrate resolve during a difficult time. Yet difficult times can definitely be intimidating. At least they are for me. At those times, I find a story to read or a podcast to listen to that highlights an ordinary personContinue reading “The Elusive Nature of Courage”