Beyond the Easy 

I was reading something this morning about how repeating the same actions over time can feel like progress – and sometimes it isn’t. While not new, it’s worth repeating.  If you want to achieve something you’ve not accomplished before, you need to do something different. It doesn’t need to be big, but it will takeContinue reading “Beyond the Easy “

In Joy Meant

People have interesting, unique, and funny feelings about joy. Some celebrate it and others think it’s frivolous. Yet, I’ve never met a person who doesn’t want it. Perhaps the different perspectives come from a lack of a unified definition. Here’s mine: while joy can come in many situations – from receiving a hug from aContinue reading “In Joy Meant”

Pause Before You Jump to Conclusions

When something happens that I don’t expect, I have been known to jump to conclusions. Fortunately, I have learned to keep this to myself and learn more before taking action. Not that long ago, I received a text message from someone who rarely reaches out and often doesn’t reply to messages I send to her.Continue reading “Pause Before You Jump to Conclusions”

Winning Over Yourself

I have been known to defeat myself. No one or nothing external to me is needed. This may seem counterintuitive, and on the surface it can certainly look that way. Let me give you a recent example: I offered to help someone with a volunteer project and he thanked me for the support. He thenContinue reading “Winning Over Yourself”

Living Beyond the Screen

Over the last so many years, the screen on our devices has become a friend, advisor, and  companion. While  I’m all for being able to connect with people all over the world and learn many things in moments that would have taken years (sometimes many), it’s not enough for me. I want to get toContinue reading “Living Beyond the Screen”

Bold is Better 

It’s easy to hold back when times are scary, uncertain, and risky. Yet waiting until things get better will leave you with frustration, disappointment, and regret. So experiment. Add a bit of boldness to your attitude, words, and actions. As you move ahead, you will have the foundation to be even bolder, happier, and moreContinue reading “Bold is Better “

Let Others Help You

It’s a funny thing. Some people are good at giving help and others are better at receiving it.  My recommendation is to be good at both. Then you create mutually beneficial relationships that spread positivity, hope, and encouragement that elevates everyone around you. Thank you for doing this. Warmly,Anita

Nothing is Too Small to Count

Some people wait for big moves to count them. Even when they accomplish sizable things, they see them as still not important enough to “matter”. This can be an endless cycle that chips away at confidence,  courage, and commitment. I know. I do this a lot, and I’m working on it. These days, I pauseContinue reading “Nothing is Too Small to Count”

Being Selfish. It’s Not What You Think.

Recently I overheard two teenagers talking about being selfish. Okay, not surprising and I almost stopped listening. Glad I didn’t. The first accused the other of being selfish which the other person flatly denied. “How much do you bake yourself,” the first asked. Silence. The second person said nothing and started to cry. Wow, thatContinue reading “Being Selfish. It’s Not What You Think.”