Compound MSAs

As a reminder, an MSA is a minimum sustainable action. Something that is completely under your control, absolutely doable, and with a metric (like amount of time devoted to the action) so you have a clear completion. When you set and do one or more MSAs, your brain releases happy chemicals: Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, andContinue reading “Compound MSAs”

Look at What’s in Front of You

It’s a funny thing about opportunities. I have been known to actively seek them – almost a chase to catch the good stuff that I think is going to “run away”. While this may sound silly, it is very common for people to go after what is far away and miss what is right inContinue reading “Look at What’s in Front of You”

Ease Up the Pressure

The other day, I was chatting with someone who told me I seemed stressed. Actually, if you look at the facts of my day, there wasn’t a lot of stress in my environment. What became clear to both of us is that the stress was coming from pressure I generated from inside myself. I tendContinue reading “Ease Up the Pressure”

What’s Your MVG?

What’s your MVG? An MVG is a minimally viable goal. It’s an idea I mapped out with a nod to MVP (minimally viable product – that is so popular in startup companies).  The reason for this is that I have been working with more than a few people who don’t have an actual goal toContinue reading “What’s Your MVG?”

How Does Your Goal Make You Feel?

I have been struggling with my next goal and how to clearly articulate it so that I and others can understand what it is. Then I can get assistance on the different steps and aspects. Okay, I should know all about this since I teach others to do this nearly every day. As a sideContinue reading “How Does Your Goal Make You Feel?”

The Two Sides of Self-Care

Recently I was with a group of colleagues in a breakout room on self-care. We were discussing what that meant to each of us and I found it quite enlightening. Self-care activities ranged from getting a bit of alone time by taking a shower without two young children knocking on the door – to bingeContinue reading “The Two Sides of Self-Care”

That’s Interesting

I have been known to use (some would say overuse) the phrase “that’s interesting”. One of my former colleagues pointed that out. “You love the word interesting, don’t you,” she said. While I felt a little embarrassed, she was and is right. Interesting means a lot to me and looking at the world from thatContinue reading “That’s Interesting”

The Power of the Invincible 

What if being invincible was one of your superpowers? It certainly could be no matter who you are, where you are today, and where you want to go. You might think I’m kidding, but I’m not. You can start right now. Know what you want and how it will benefit you and others. Build yourContinue reading “The Power of the Invincible “

Are You Fortunate?

If someone asked you the question, “Are you fortunate,” how would you answer that question? I would say your answer could vary a lot, depending on everything from your mood to the weather to what you experienced just prior to your being asked the question. I’ve come to the conclusion that I gain nothing byContinue reading “Are You Fortunate?”

What is Your Foundation?

The strongest people have built their lives on a foundation that inspires them to grow, develop, and advance. It is authentic, grounded in integrity, and breeds greater vitality, courage and confidence. So pause and ask yourself about your own foundation. We all have one. The key question to answer:  is your foundation helping you becomeContinue reading “What is Your Foundation?”