Confused? Ask Questions and Increase Your Success

Whenever I feel confused and stuck, I know it’s time to ask another question. I can usually find lots of things to question, yet there are some times that I can’t. That’s when I pull out my Creative Whack Pack, a wonderful deck of brainstorming cards. Then the questions, ideas, and often solutions come toContinue reading “Confused? Ask Questions and Increase Your Success”

Harnessing the Power of Why

Whenever I find myself struggling with a task or even an entire project – after I mope, feel frustrated, and wonder what’s wrong with me – I step back and ask myself: “Why am I doing this?” Sometimes it’s something I need to do to deliver a program, article, or proposal. Yet, I can stillContinue reading “Harnessing the Power of Why”

Is it Really the Happiest Time of the Year?

Many people believe that the month of December is the happiest time of the year, yet many others are sad and filled with regrets. What is the difference? While circumstances can play a part in how one feels, the bigger factor is perspective and a determined sense to appreciate the people and opportunities we doContinue reading “Is it Really the Happiest Time of the Year?”

The Success and Happiness Multiplier

I received an email this morning from an alumnus from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He thanked me for a card I had sent him and he went on to share with me the power of handwritten communication in an ultra wired world. “I know people,” he said, “who claim that writingContinue reading “The Success and Happiness Multiplier”

Fantasizing versus Going for It

Do you have fantasies about your future, thinking about all of the possible twists and turns that your life could take? This is terrific as long as you live your life actively at each moment. So today, give all of yourself to whatever you do – from enjoying that first cup of coffee in theContinue reading “Fantasizing versus Going for It”

Doing Good is in Your Own Best Interest

Doing good is something that has in built-in reward. An act to kindness doesn’t cost a thing and yet the benefits to both the giver and receiver can be significant and life-changing. So today, spend at least 5 minutes sharing some thoughtfulness with another person. Experience the rewards with you mind and heart. Have aContinue reading “Doing Good is in Your Own Best Interest”

If you remember only one thing . . .

“You’re a great person.” Aunt Syl And my Aunt Syl isn’t the only one who thinks so . . . Develop a “feel good” file of positive notes from your family, friends, and colleagues.  When you need an emotional “pick-me-up” reread the letters and you’ll remember you’re valuable, have something to contribute, and are makingContinue reading “If you remember only one thing . . .”

Become a Maverick for Success

Ever get stuck when seeking a solution? Even if you follow the sage advice of gurus of your field, things still may not work out. So, become a maverick. Just as an experiment, choose a different way of approaching things. Some of the best outcomes result from combining ideas that didn’t originally go together. GutenbergContinue reading “Become a Maverick for Success”

A Life-Changer in California

After attending business school at Chicago Booth, I traveled to California to work in banking. Little did I know that there was much in store for me that would shake up my perspective and positively change my life. During the first month or so, people kept confusing me with another new MBA. They called herContinue reading “A Life-Changer in California”