How’s Your (Self) Valuation?

At times it feels that people pay more time and attention to doing a valuation for a deal, idea, or piece of real estate than they do about their own lives and careers. So I suggest that once per week (or more if you are so inclined), block out even 15 minutes of time inContinue reading “How’s Your (Self) Valuation?”

Got an Obstacle? Get Curious.

I will freely admit it – I am not a fan of obstacles. Okay, I know that in the longer term they are fuel for my positive growth. In the short term, they feel annoying, scare me, and something I “wish” didn’t happen.  Yet they do. A wise friend shared a different perspective on obstaclesContinue reading “Got an Obstacle? Get Curious.”

The Power of Zest

For me, a little zest that gives me energy, genuine enthusiasm, and positivity helps me take days that are okay and make them good – and days that are good and make them great. While it’s not always obvious where to find this boost, I know it’s in what I love to do and withContinue reading “The Power of Zest”

Elevate Now, Later and Forever

Own your greatness (even if you don’t think you have it, believe me – you do!) Feel it. When you honor yourself, you elevate yourself. Be the detective to find others’ wonderful value as well. Whatever you find, please don’t keep it to yourself. Share it. Tell the other person the good stuff you see.Continue reading “Elevate Now, Later and Forever”

My Fear Factor Solution

I can be bold, brave, and confident – most of the time. That said, when something changes – especially something new and unexpected –  a kernel of fear can take hold of my heart and I allow it to immobilize me. Just pushing the fear aside or pretending it’s not there doesn’t work. It comesContinue reading “My Fear Factor Solution”

“Pray” it Forward

The word “pray” has different meanings to different people. For here, think of it as sending goodwill to people you know, people you don’t know (yet), and the world at large. That act of sharing the positive value you see elevates you, the other people, and society. Thank you in advance for “praying” it forward.Continue reading ““Pray” it Forward”

Do You Negotiate with Gratitude?

When I was going through a rough period, I mentioned to a friend that while I thought expressing gratitude was a nice thing to do, I wasn’t sure of the “real” impact, as I put it. She replied quickly and emphatically. “Anita,” she said. “It sounds to me that you are thinking about gratitude asContinue reading “Do You Negotiate with Gratitude?”

The Power of Perspectives

You may have looked at the title of this post and think that perhaps there was a typo. While I misspell a word here and there, I really intended for the word to be Perspectives with an “s”. Having one perspective and closing off the possibility of others might feel comfortable, but it is seriouslyContinue reading “The Power of Perspectives”

If you could have a 20 minute sit down with anyone in the world, alive today, who would you choose and why?

I posted this questions on LinkedIn and am eager to get your thoughts Thank you so much.Anita

Start Where You Are Great

I have conversations with  people every day and we often discuss their goals, strengths, and areas for potential development.  My experience is that individuals are far more comfortable sharing their so-called weaknesses than where they are great. This didn’t really make sense to me until I evaluated my own heart on the subject. I tendContinue reading “Start Where You Are Great”