Waste Not, Want Not

“Waste not, want not” is a very old saying that goes back hundreds of years. Yet, what does it actually mean? There are a whole variety of opinions on the subject. One I read talks about not using too much today, so that you have more in the future. I have another take on theContinue reading “Waste Not, Want Not”

Just One Tiny Step Forward

I was chatting with someone recently who was at a crossroad. He could go all in on a new career path. Or, forget about it and stay where he has been for more than several years. I just didn’t see all in or all out as the only options. At first, my friend strongly disagreed.Continue reading “Just One Tiny Step Forward”

Dull Moments are Underrated

I used to think that quiet moments were unnecessary, distracting, and an overall waste of time. I have come to appreciate a dull moment now and again. They give me space to think, reset, and find hope. Perhaps you can find a few moments of “free time”. Remember, dull moments are often highly underrated andContinue reading “Dull Moments are Underrated”

You Can’t Reach Your Potential Without These

Potential is an elusive thing. What does it even mean to have a lot of potential? This is especially true if you are struggling and perhaps not realizing your potential from your perspective.  Since it isn’t always clear what our potential is and how much of it we are realizing, let’s park the concept forContinue reading “You Can’t Reach Your Potential Without These”

The Value of Growing Pains

I hate to admit this, but I am not a big fan of growing pains. They are uncomfortable, disquieting, and generally not much fun at all. That said, you, I, and most people believe that the prize after the pains related to growth is worth it – even if it’s easy to forget this whenContinue reading “The Value of Growing Pains”

The Morning ‘Adventure”

I got up super early this morning. Just happens sometimes. I was able to meditate, do yoga, and leave the house with more than 90 minutes to get to work. This ride is easy and usually quite uneventful. That said, I carry many things to keep me active and make the time pass productively, fromContinue reading “The Morning ‘Adventure””

Only One Answer Needed

I was with a group of friends recently and we were talking about goals we started at the beginning of the year and aren’t yet completed. At first, we each had a variety of “reasons” why we hadn’t accomplished what we set out to do in January. As we looked at the facts about whyContinue reading “Only One Answer Needed”

The Power of Unlearning

Recently, I was having a discussion about, what I call, “goal friction” with my friend, Irena. Goal friction includes things like fear, anger, doubt, complaining, and more. We were talking about how to reduce the impact of these negative functions as they can stall out goal achievement.  Then Irena said, “wait a minute, go back toContinue reading “The Power of Unlearning”

How to Be a Great Receiver

Some people are great givers. They offer compliments, presents, or even a warm smile. They are terrific at it. The other side is receiving. Many people are not very good at receiving – whether it is an acknowledgment, thank you, or a token of appreciation. The person might even like the “gift”, but awkwardly pauses.Continue reading “How to Be a Great Receiver”

Small Steps Accelerate Your Progress

I was trained to think big, set seemingly impossible goals, and drive to completion. In certain situations, that is exactly what you need to do to break through limitations and elevate yourself and projects to a whole new level. Yet in most cases, a different approach is required.  Consider this three-stage process: This trio willContinue reading “Small Steps Accelerate Your Progress”