Getting Ready to Go

It’s funny how things move along whether or not we are ready. I have actually worked with people who spent so much time getting ready that by the time they were set to go, the opportunity had long passed. Fortunately, these people are outliers. That said, preparation is crucial and so is action. How muchContinue reading “Getting Ready to Go”

Genuine Compliments Empower

I was having lunch with a friend recently. This is a woman of deep skill, great determination, and profound wisdom. Let it be our secret because I don’t believe she necessarily perceives herself this way. At the end of the lunch, she thanked me for seeing things in her that she doesn’t see in herself.Continue reading “Genuine Compliments Empower”

Restructure Your Perspective

I met a friend who is struggling to make ends meet in a job where they don’t really treat him well. He feels that he has no place to go and is feeling more and more resentful. I wouldn’t say that how he felt is unreasonable; his situation is untenable. Yet, during our conversation, itContinue reading “Restructure Your Perspective”

Whose Voice Leads You to Success

I was chatting with a friend in Northern California last week and he is contemplating going back to school. He has taken the first step, apply and get into the program of his choice. Yet he is torn. Some of his friends and family members are excited, encouraging, and cheering him on. Yet there isContinue reading “Whose Voice Leads You to Success”

Reach Out With Patience

Last night I was talking to my mother. Somehow her TV (in the living room) was turned off “incorrectly” and when she turned it back on  – nothing, only a black screen with the number two in the upper right-hand corner. She and I both knew that we needed to change that two to aContinue reading “Reach Out With Patience”

Generously Powerful

I have a friend (whose birthday is today) who is an overall great person. There are things that could make him feel superior to the rest of us (a PhD, brilliance, and great wealth), yet he is the opposite. His power comes not from his degrees, talent, and riches, but from his deep connection toContinue reading “Generously Powerful”

Instant Success

I have been working on a goal for a few years and have been making solid progress – most of the time. Yet recently, I felt like I was stalling out and even losing ground. So, over the weekend I decided that I needed a bit of “Instant Success” – something small enough that IContinue reading “Instant Success”

Who Controls Your Success?

One of the themes of my conversations last week was about who controls one’s success and happiness? The answer was split. One group of individuals clearly believes that each of us is responsible regardless of our circumstances. The other side was that specific negative situations, people, and organizations skew things – and usually for theContinue reading “Who Controls Your Success?”