Learn from the Best

When I first started my career, I met David, an extraordinary person. One day,  this rather eccentric, brilliant, and an amazingly handsome man sat down in a meeting with my manager, John, and me. David seemed to know everything, including how to read upside down across the desk. We became friends. The more I workedContinue reading “Learn from the Best”

The Paradox of the Head Start

I had lunch with a friend today. He is kind, capable, and committed to sharing the best of himself in each and every area of his life. What’s more is his ability to envision trends, strategies, and more – well into the future. Sometimes, it takes others time to catch up with the opportunities thatContinue reading “The Paradox of the Head Start”

We All Need A Pep Talk

This morning, I was feeling a little mopey. I think it’s mostly the weather, but I was in need of a little boost. Then surprise – it arrived in my inbox thanks to my colleague, Baillie. She sent me a video pep talk. So cool. I laughed out loud. Go check it out NOW http://iwastesomuchtime.com/on/?i=64534Continue reading “We All Need A Pep Talk”

Is it an Obstacle or Opportunity?

Obstacles are very tricky things. When they first pop up into my awareness, they appear big, complex, and thoroughly annoying. My negative perception is a combination of not liking my flow interrupted (who does), seeing the worst as my default first reaction, and not finding an immediate benefit. So my perception of  an obstacle asContinue reading “Is it an Obstacle or Opportunity?”

The Perfect Mirror

This morning started off with a bit of a challenge – family stuff (don’t even ask). My immediate reaction was to think about how they should change. If only this one would do this and that one would to that. While it can be momentarily comforting to see others as the cause of my upset,Continue reading “The Perfect Mirror”

Greedy for Happiness

Does the word greedy make your think selfish, manipulative, and exploiting? From one side you are right. From another side, you are absolutely wrong – no offense! If you reach out for your happiness with a tiny, dainty teacup, guess how much happiness you will have? Not much – and you will not have muchContinue reading “Greedy for Happiness”

Prepare for the Best

I was thinking about this really common phrase: “Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.” While I understand that preparation for anything is essential, I wonder if we are missing something really important. How would life be even better if we prepared for the best? What amazing things could we learn? How wouldContinue reading “Prepare for the Best”

Soar Through Change

I am one of those people who doesn’t really like the process of change, but love the results. So, I find myself resisting the process instead of using it to accelerate my growth, success, and happiness. I have come to realize that my resistance comes from too much strategizing. This may seem counterintuitive, but over-strategizingContinue reading “Soar Through Change”

What Your Next Step Says About Your Future

Not to be cliche, but it is true that our future is the sum of a whole lot of action we’ve taken in the past. While some actions may be more important than others, they all count and determine who we are and who we become. So today, think before you act. The thinking partContinue reading “What Your Next Step Says About Your Future”

Winning for Yourself and Others

I was on a conference call last night. It was about a study program. While all are welcome, individuals can only participate once. There were many questions about logistics, timing, and even the materials. Yet the greatest number of questions were around, “why can’t I participate more than once?” While the formal program is aContinue reading “Winning for Yourself and Others”