Goodwill as a Metric

People measure a lot of things – from money in and out to number of likes. While it is essential to know where a person and organization stand on a variety of factors, goodwill (aside from the balance type that comes from a transaction) is woefully absent. You may wonder, “why do we even needContinue reading “Goodwill as a Metric”

Remember Why You Have Two Ears and One Mouth

Have you ever thought about why we have two ears and one mouth? If you know me, you may think that I may not have gotten this “memo”. I do like to express my thoughts, ideas, and opinions – to say the least.  That said, it is important for each of us to remember thatContinue reading “Remember Why You Have Two Ears and One Mouth”

Close the “Be Right” Gap

Have you ever noticed that you may want to be right more than successful and happy? Okay, I will admit that is how I feel sometimes even though I know it’s not in my best interest (or anyone else’s). When I feel that being right is a win (knowing it’s not), I pause and reflectContinue reading “Close the “Be Right” Gap”

Making Better Decisions 

I was chatting with a few friends recently and one, Justin, was talking about making sound decisions that also stretched him. While this may seem like a pretty obvious thing to want to do, many people default to being prudent and playing it safe. As we dug deeper, Justin shared that he used to makeContinue reading “Making Better Decisions “

What Is Your Grudge Factor?

I used to think I didn’t hold grudges. After all, I’m a pretty nice person and I want to see others do well. Then one day, a friend suggested that my delayed progress could be connected to judgments I had and grudges I held. I didn’t like her insinuation and  balked at the idea. YetContinue reading “What Is Your Grudge Factor?”

Create Bridgeability

Each of us has the choice – to move toward divisiveness or create bridgeability. I vote for bridgeability – ways to develop positive connectedness. This is not just a nice thing to do. It is a human imperative that can positively impact so many things – from reducing loneliness to coming together to solve reallyContinue reading “Create Bridgeability”

Play Nice for Good

I was with a group of friends this week and one person was sharing a recent experience where he ordered something and tried to cancel it. Unfortunately, the system wouldn’t allow for that. He was told that the only option was to have it delivered to the closest store in his city and then sendContinue reading “Play Nice for Good”

Appreciate Challenges?!?

I seem to have been in the line of fire more than usual recently. Since it’s in multiple areas of my life, I clearly know that I am the common denominator. So, I am looking internally to see how I can grow my life and my life condition to see these challenges for the benefitsContinue reading “Appreciate Challenges?!?”

Traveling Beyond the Comfort Zone

I am a bit of an enigma even to myself. I thrive on new, innovative, and bold actions that stretch me. At the same time, I am afraid of them. What can I say? Perhaps that at my heart I am thrilled to push beyond my comfort zone until I hear my mother’s voice inContinue reading “Traveling Beyond the Comfort Zone”