Good on the Other Side of a Challenge

Have you ever found yourself in the midst of a challenge and all you can see is the obstacle? I’ve been there more times than I’d care to admit. No judgment of me or you. It’s more of an observation. Once I can see it, there’s an opening to do something about it. That’s howContinue reading “Good on the Other Side of a Challenge”

Get Ready to Open a Positive Path

Sometimes I feel like I prefer to stay where I am, even if I’m in a bit of a rut. “Why,” you might wonder. Most of the time it’s fear. I know what I have and something new could be better or not. So why take the chance?  There’s a BIG reason why it’s importantContinue reading “Get Ready to Open a Positive Path”

A Worthy Note

When I was a child, my mother made me sit down and write thank you notes. It was a bit of a battle – this was non-negotiable for my mother, but not so important to  me. It wasn’t until much later that I came to understand how powerful a pen and paper – and aContinue reading “A Worthy Note”

Never Let Them Get the Best of You

I can easily be swayed at times, especially when I allow someone to make me feel small, not good enough.  The key words are allow them. For someone to get the best of me, I need to give them my power and “forget” that I’m more than enough just as I am. I’ve learned aContinue reading “Never Let Them Get the Best of You”

Elevate Yourself, Expand Your Influence

I have been in a state of “What can one person do when the world is such a mess?” While I rarely give up, I can get discouraged, frustrated, and sometimes stall out. A friend of mine strongly suggested that if I want to see positive change in the world, I start with myself. WhileContinue reading “Elevate Yourself, Expand Your Influence”

Make it : “Thank you” Without the But

I have a friend, George, who has been struggling for quite a while. He gets caught in this spiral of negativity, which isn’t good for him or anyone around him. He is quite perplexed by the whole thing. “Anita,” he said not that long ago. “I just don’t get it. I practice gratitude and allContinue reading “Make it : “Thank you” Without the But”

Need a Few New Ideas – Start Here

I find that at times that I recycle the same thoughts, ideas, and solutions over and over. While this works pretty well much of the time, not always. As the world changes so rapidly, a refreshed perspective is essential. So how do people jumpstart their mindset? Here are a few ideas to get you started:Continue reading “Need a Few New Ideas – Start Here”

Stuck in Your Goal? Actions to Take Now

I was sitting with a friend at a cozy coffee shop with a fireplace. This was a wonderful way to get out of the freezing weather and have a fun conversation. Well, things took a different direction and tone. My friend shared that she was stuck and didn’t know if she would achieve her professionalContinue reading “Stuck in Your Goal? Actions to Take Now”