Courage When You Don’t Have It

I get scared at times and I suspect that you do as well. Yet fear doesn’t mean that you should let being scared stop you. While this isn’t easy, it is essential that you move forward – for your health, success, and happiness. So how can you do this? What I do is find oneContinue reading “Courage When You Don’t Have It”

Be (a) Present

Often when someone is struggling and wants someone to just listen, I want to jump in and problem solve. I want to help the person fix whatever is at issue. While this can be useful (as I have been told), it’s not always what’s needed by the other person. So listen first and be (a)Continue reading “Be (a) Present”

Revolutionary Gratitude

Gratitude can be easy. Think of a gift that a friend gave you, a compliment from the love of your life, or a bonus when you completed a big project. You receive good stuff and “thank you” bursts forth with almost no effort. Keep that easy gratitude coming all the time. It’s awesome to haveContinue reading “Revolutionary Gratitude”

The Danger of Doubt

Doubt may not seem so bad at first – a little gnawing in the back of your mind prompted by a small mistake, a slightly nasty comment, or comparing yourself to another person. Yet if you don’t find a way to question the validity of the doubt trigger, you will build a foundation of doubtContinue reading “The Danger of Doubt”

Beyond the Past

I was working with someone this week. He spent the first 15 minutes telling me about how bad people treat him and how this has happened again and again. This individual is someone I know and like. However the more I listened to him, the more I believed it would be hard for him toContinue reading “Beyond the Past”

The Flip to Yes

I am not a big fan of being told “no”. In fact, I can allow that type of rejection to shut me down and (although usually temporarily) derail me. When this negative spiral happened more often that I could tolerate, I did something about it. Double duh! I decided that a “no” was usually, “noContinue reading “The Flip to Yes”

Leaving Your Mark

What is your mark on your world – with family, friends, co-workers, community, and beyond? Some people believe that they have little or no impact with their lives.  I believe this is impossible. You, I, and everyone has influence each day. The question is: are you leaving those around you better or worse? Do youContinue reading “Leaving Your Mark”

Create Victorious Solutions

We all face challenges at one time or another. Virtually all people have the inherent capabilities to develop a solution. The question is it a victorious solution or just a quick resolution that feels more like a concession than anything else. So think about something you are facing and how can you make it aContinue reading “Create Victorious Solutions”