The Fun Power Booster

We each need power boosters at one time or another. What I’ve learned is that it’s not the same for everyone and that one size definitely does not fit all. At times for me, it’s a walk, meditation, or a mind-stretching book. At other times, it’s binge watching predictable rom coms, doing NYTimes puzzles, orContinue reading “The Fun Power Booster”

Do You Have a Power Leak?

I have the great good fortune to be able to meet and talk to new people and old friends every week. It’s fun, energizing, and enlightening. Lately, I feel a little shift, with more individuals feeling stuck and at an impasse, with not enough energy to get past it. I’ve been noodling on why andContinue reading “Do You Have a Power Leak?”

Where to Start Elevating Now.

Earlier in the year I went through a series of things where I felt undervalued. This led to increased self-doubt, burgeoning insecurity, and decreased hope.  All in all, I felt like I had little worth. Okay, this may sound a little dramatic, and it was how I felt. This all said, I didn’t want toContinue reading “Where to Start Elevating Now.”

Stuck without a Goal – Now What?!?

Not that long ago, I was in a bit of a rut, frustrated, and looking for an exciting new goal. I wanted to fix the situation immediately, yet my work to control the situation left me lost and disappointed. If this sounds familiar, please read on.  I needed to do two things:: keep my intentionContinue reading “Stuck without a Goal – Now What?!?”

Who’s Helped You? Thank Them.

I was with a group of friends last night and the subject of the impact we have on others came up. A couple of people mentioned that when they plant the seeds of goodwill with individuals, sometimes they are ignored or even rejected, and that hurts. Then one person, Charles, spoke up. “Don’t worry,” heContinue reading “Who’s Helped You? Thank Them.”

Focus Your Attention on Making the Positive Actionable

Do you find that the world is filled with distractions and negativity? That is precisely the time to focus your attention on taking positive actions. This is more than thinking – it’s about doing something within your control that leaves you and others better. Here are three simple yet powerful actions you can take toContinue reading “Focus Your Attention on Making the Positive Actionable”

Crushing Your Goals – Or Being Crushed by Them?

My goals and my relationship are very important to me. Yet recently, they seemed at odds with one another. I was feeling the weight of it all pressing down on me. I experienced some challenging things last month. It felt like it was one situation after another. No one thing was all that large, butContinue reading “Crushing Your Goals – Or Being Crushed by Them?”

Word for the Week Boost

Every once in a while, I feel like I need a positive reset. Nothing big, just a nudge to expand my creative energy. One thing that I do is go to a random word generator that gives me positive prompts. There are many options, I often use It brings me one word after another.Continue reading “Word for the Week Boost”

The First Starting Point to Success

Recently, when I was reading, I saw something that simultaneously created doubt and then hope within me. The author adamantly believes that the first step to success is to be glad you are yourself. This made me pause because there are times I am not completely glad to be myself. I know this is notContinue reading “The First Starting Point to Success”

Get Ready to Open a Positive Path

Sometimes I feel like I prefer to stay where I am, even if I’m in a bit of a rut. “Why,” you might wonder. Most of the time it’s fear. I know what I have and something new could be better or not. So why take the chance?  There’s a BIG reason why it’s importantContinue reading “Get Ready to Open a Positive Path”