Three Questions For Today

As you go through your day ask yourself: Where are you building value right now and how do you know? How are you giving hope and practical encouragement to others and yourself? How will you acknowledge your efforts today and feel the value you created? Excellent! Have a great weekend, Anita

Grace Under Friendly Fire

It’s been an interesting week or so. Wonderful things happening for friends, colleagues, and (even) me. In the midst of this, I have been skirting around and facing some “friendly” fire. While I am not sure if it’s the endless winter (today is another day of snow and below zero windchill), general angst, and/or bubblingContinue reading “Grace Under Friendly Fire”

Power Forward: “What Can I Do For You?”

How does giving to others give you power? It’s really straightforward. When you pay attention to others, you create a bond and relationship. Healthy relationships are give and take and everyone ends up with more. Mutually beneficial relationships release all kinds of wonderful resources, opportunities, and caring. You can be an example to others ofContinue reading “Power Forward: “What Can I Do For You?””

The Question Will Drive the Answer

I was chatting with someone recently who was not getting traction in building relationships inside his organization. This was actually surprising to me because is a rather affable person, doesn’t operate from a sense of entitlement, and seems genuinely thankful for any help he receives. That made me very curious and I asked him whatContinue reading “The Question Will Drive the Answer”

The Power of the Windfall

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a windfall is “an unexpected or sudden gain or advantage”. Doesn’t that sound like something you would like to have more in your life? So how can you help this happen again and again and again? I believe that it’s all about seeing the value in each situation, circumstance, andContinue reading “The Power of the Windfall”

The Text Boost

I was chatting with someone today and here is something I suggested that she really found helpful. It might be useful to you, too. Throughout your day, each time you think of something valuable about yourself – send yourself a text specifying what you did and how it is beneficial. It’s a nice boost toContinue reading “The Text Boost”

Leading with Power

I have been conducting research about what are key things to lead from a powerful place – whether at home, work, or in your community. One of the most impactful characteristics of powerful leaders is appreciation. My definition of appreciation is gratitude and growth. While gratitude alone is cool, it’s a nice thing, makes individualsContinue reading “Leading with Power”

Are a Courageous Changer?

I talk to a lot people each month and virtually each person wants to make a change in their life. That’s why they come to see me in the first place. Most individuals know that they will need to make (smaller and bigger) modifications to achieve their goal. Yet when it comes down to it,Continue reading “Are a Courageous Changer?”

The Power of Finding Your True Fans

I was on a webinar today with Seth Godin, the author of many books including  Linchpin, Tribes, The Dip and Purple Cow. He spoke about how crucial it is to find our true fans. And how did he suggest that you do that: by gaining and developing mastery and doing everything with great generosity. InterestingContinue reading “The Power of Finding Your True Fans”