When Things Get You Down

Oh my gosh, things can get you down, even when there is nothing really to be upset about. I notice this so clearly and honestly, I get stuck and sometimes don’t know what to do. I even wallow – perhaps even some today. Remember: each of us is human. So, my strategy is do seeContinue reading “When Things Get You Down”

The Downside of Complaining

The big question is – “Is there any upside in complaining?” The real answer is “no”, yet in the moment, a good complaint, especially shared with others has a momentary sense of gratification – that quickly fades. Oh boy, do I fall into that trap at times. I feel justified and seek agreement from othersContinue reading “The Downside of Complaining”

The Why of Support

It’s a funny thing about support – it’s impossible for anyone to help you if they don’t know why. Why falls into a few categories – why achieving your goal is important to you, why is can be important to this particular person, and why is could be important to others. Map out these whysContinue reading “The Why of Support”

What If You Could Move the World?

Well, you can move the world – if you start with an opportunity to do this in your immediate environment. Who can you help today – a family member, friend, colleague – or even a new acquaintance? This doesn’t need to be a massive thing. A tiny action – from listening to providing encouragement –Continue reading “What If You Could Move the World?”