The Value Game

When you look at a person, organization, or situation, do you find the positive value or just the things that aren’t what you hoped they would be? If you primarily see the lack, I can almost guarantee that you will find more of what’s missing wherever you go. On the other hand, when you zeroContinue reading “The Value Game”

When Small is Fast

I will admit it, since childhood I have wanted to achieve my goals yesterday. Perhaps it’s a lack of patience or that I can get discouraged fairly easily. Whatever the cause, I wanted to accomplish my goals quickly and this led to a great deal of frustration – even though I cross the finish lineContinue reading “When Small is Fast”

Acknowledge Someone NOW!

Everyone is SO busy with a myriad of things in their lives – from work to family to school and more. In the midst of this action frenzy, it’s easy to take others for granted. So, to break this too busy “tradition” – pause and positively acknowledge someone in your life. Perhaps that person needsContinue reading “Acknowledge Someone NOW!”

The Perspective Paradox

I work with a lot of people over the course of a year. It’s very interesting to see how two people in very similar circumstances can have very different networks, opportunities, and outcomes. So what IS the difference? I have found that it has a lot to do with attitude, perspective, and most importantly, aContinue reading “The Perspective Paradox”

The Generosity Bonus

Generosity is a wonderful thing. You can do it anywhere and anytime, using lots of money or none at all. The key is what is in your heart – giving without expecting anything in return. When you do, things you never thought possible can show up when you least expect them – and that’s halfContinue reading “The Generosity Bonus”

Unstuck Yourself

Feeling stuck is a terrible place to be. It makes each thing you do harder, more time consuming, and less fulfilling. Ugh! Yet there is a solution and it doesn’t take much willpower, discipline, or brute force. Just take one performance babystep – an action you have complete control over and is small enough toContinue reading “Unstuck Yourself”

Are You Worth the “Risk”?

I was chatting with someone this week and she was questioning why others don’t seem to want to help her. The more we chatted, the clearer it became to both of us that her approach made her appear risky. It wasn’t something massive or even super obvious, it was little things – from not respondingContinue reading “Are You Worth the “Risk”?”

Pause Before You Complain

Oh my gosh! It’s so easy to complain about people, situations, and even the weather. Yet before you do, pause long enough to remember all of the good things you have in your life. When you do, you might just “forget” about complaining altogether. And that would be a very good thing! Have a greatContinue reading “Pause Before You Complain”

Your Focus Determines Your Future

We each spend our days focusing on one thing or another. The big question is: On what are you focusing? The answer to that question will largely determine your future. The best answers are filled with things that increase your courage, confidence, and capacity. So, if this is not your answer today, I strongly encourageContinue reading “Your Focus Determines Your Future”