Using Your Resources – For Good or Not So Good?

I have two friends and each is talented, capable, and determined. Yet they have very different results and outcomes. While there are many factors at play, one stands out prominently: the first plans for not so good things and the other plans for good stuff. Now, I am not suggesting (even for a moment) thatContinue reading “Using Your Resources – For Good or Not So Good?”

An Inspiring Thank You

I was with a group of friends who have been meeting every Sunday morning since the pandemic started. We gather for a call that is encouraging and inspiring. At the end of each call, anyone who chooses to can turn on their camera and someone takes a picture. Over the months, many pictures have beenContinue reading “An Inspiring Thank You”

Appreciation is a Gateway to Good

Appreciation is a funny thing. If you don’t have it, many things look really bleak, empty, and even hopeless. The more you perceive the work with regret, resentment, and even grudges, the less you will have in your life that you want. Yet if you see and feel the good things around you, what youContinue reading “Appreciation is a Gateway to Good”

The Obstacle to Advancement

What is the obstacle to advancement? Some people think it is a negative impediment to moving ahead. Yet it is often the opposite of that and is actually pretty surprising. One of the biggest challenges to advancement is having an easy time with few, if any, things standing in your way. A time of easeContinue reading “The Obstacle to Advancement”

When Do You Win?

It’s a very interesting thing about winning and perspective of when you’ve succeeded and when you haven’t  quite gotten to that point. I would say that the short answer to the question “When do you win?” is very simple. You and I and everyone have the opportunity to win at each moment. Ultimately, winning inevitablyContinue reading “When Do You Win?”

What is Not Said Can Be the Difference

I have been in situations where two people can say the same thing to me, yet my reactions are very different. With one, I don’t connect, engage, or feel supported. With the second, I am re-energized, motivated, and ready to tackle the thing in front of me with commitment, gusto, and courage. So what isContinue reading “What is Not Said Can Be the Difference”

Stretch and Win

I was listening to a speaker recently who shared about a time when she left her secure and comfortable job (which she didn’t like and stressed her out). Her family couldn’t believe it and didn’t support her decision. After all, she was a single parent with a child to raise – on her own.  YetContinue reading “Stretch and Win”

Love, Respect, and Treasure . . . Yourself

Love, Respect, and Treasure . . . Yourself. Oh my gosh, that is one of the hardest things for me to do. It is more difficult than building an algorithm, creating a new program, or solving a problem that others deemed “impossible”. Yet to love, respect, and treasure myself takes a lot of time, commitment,Continue reading “Love, Respect, and Treasure . . . Yourself”