When to Pivot for Success

There is a delicate balance between staying the course no matter what and shifting gears when it looks like it’s the right thing to do. On the one hand, focus, determination, and tenacity are key to success. On the other hand, if you hang on to what has always worked and no longer is, youContinue reading “When to Pivot for Success”

Advancement or Perfection?

I was meeting with someone this week and he has been very busy with a project. It is a very exciting project and couldn’t wait to hear his update. Yet, when he shared his comings and goings since we chatted six months earlier, I felt let down. He had spent the entire six month brainstormingContinue reading “Advancement or Perfection?”

Send Goodwill

When individuals aren’t nice to us, the natural reaction is return their unpleasantness back to them as quickly and assertively as possible. Unfortunately, this is completely wrong. All this approach does is create a spiral of negativity. Instead, send goodwill sincerely, authentically, and specifically. Even if the other person doesn’t change, you will feel betterContinue reading “Send Goodwill”

Choose Success

One HUGE success stopper is having great ideas, multiple projects, and yet not selecting one and acting on it. Someone once said to me: “Don’t be afraid to choose one thing. It’s for now, not forever.” His words ring true today more than ever. If you are waiting to find the perfect, idea, business, orContinue reading “Choose Success”

What “Can’t” Really Means

When I lived in the Bay Area, one of mentors chastised me for the two-word response “I can’t.” Whatever he requested at the time, my “I can’t” response seemed accurate. I was new to the working world and I didn’t believe what I could do what was asked of me – I just didn’t haveContinue reading “What “Can’t” Really Means”

Success With No Head Banging Required

I was chatting with someone recently who is looking for a job back in the U.S., yet she hasn’t been able to get to the interview stage. She was both stymied and discouraged when we had our conversation. It became obvious that even though this woman thought we was asking for advice, she left theContinue reading “Success With No Head Banging Required”

Critical Success Transformation

I was chatting with a friend who was advancing very nicely and then his growth stalled out – which greatly (and understandably) frustrated him. At first (and very naturally), he wanted to look for reasons in others, organizations, and the circumstances for why he wasn’t progressing. As he shared this with me, he realized thatContinue reading “Critical Success Transformation”

Turning the Tide

I have been in touch with a long-time friend who moved out of Chicago after he completed his graduate degree many years ago. We reconnect periodically and pick up where we left off. I really like this friend – A LOT. So, when we recently reached out I was delighted to hear from him. HeContinue reading “Turning the Tide”