Are You the Next Lego?

Do you ever get discouraged and consider giving up on something that you desire? Virtually every successful person has considered quitting at one point or another. There’s a whole army of people, “the faultfinders,” who would love to see you give up. They may attempt to convince you that your goals aren’t worth the effort.Continue reading “Are You the Next Lego?”

The Power of Thanks

“Thanks” is one of the most powerful words in the universe. For a study on the power of gratitude, 75% of a group of “at risk” young men in Boston went from angry and violent to individuals with a sense of purpose who began to create positive value with their lives. Each day these youngContinue reading “The Power of Thanks”

Your 4-Minute Mile

Once it was believed that no human being could run a 4-minute mile (let alone anything faster than that.) The barrier was broken decades ago by someone who didn’t believe in this arbitrary constraint. So what is the “4-minute mile” in your life? Where have you placed limitations on your own potential? You, too, canContinue reading “Your 4-Minute Mile”

Double VIP Status

What would your life look and feel like if you treated each person you met like the most important person in the world? And do it all while treating yourself excellently like that –  feeling generosity from deep within your heart and having fun all along the way. I know a man who follows thisContinue reading “Double VIP Status”

The Possible Versus the “Impossible”

Make a list of the big and small things that are on your mind. Now break the list into #1 – those things you feel that you can do something about and #2 – those things you feel are out of your control. For list #1, decide what you are willing to begin doing today.Continue reading “The Possible Versus the “Impossible””

Silence is Platinum

Really capable people who truly believe in themselves rarely boast about their achievements, although they definitely do not hide their greatness under a rock. Whether you share your accomplishments is certainly a matter of choice, but before you do check your motivation. If it comes out of a desire to encourage others, then consider sharingContinue reading “Silence is Platinum”

Meet Your Dreams!

I work with many people who are dissatisfied with their jobs and are unhappy about earlier decisions they made. In our coaching sessions, I usually ask them the following: “Why do you want this job and how will it help you prepare for where you want to be in 10 years?” As they develop theContinue reading “Meet Your Dreams!”

Experiment for Success

A fool is a man who never tried an experiment in his life. Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802) English physician and poet If you’re wise, you approach life with an open mind and heart – choosing new ways to doing the simplest and most everyday activities. Consider building in regular experimentation into you life. It can beginContinue reading “Experiment for Success”

Radical Renewal

Many individuals believe that pumping money into educational, charitable, or corporate organizations will revitalize them and make them more effective. Often this doesn’t work because the focus is on the organization and not the people. To refresh, renew, and revitalize any organization, first start with each individual. Give them the hope, encouragement, and tools toContinue reading “Radical Renewal”

Strong as a Diamond

Do you want to achieve noteworthy success in your life? If so, be willing to stand apart from the crowd. The minority, not majority, of people, achieves “Success on their own terms”. To advance today, expand the courage of your convictions by trusting your heart, acting on what you know to be true, and consistentlyContinue reading “Strong as a Diamond”