The Fastest Way to Capture Positive Attention

I was working with someone (we’ll call her Carrie) recently who wanted to know how to increase her Klout score and and other things that would help her gain lots of attention for herself and her business. While Carrie may sound a bit narcissistic (wanting to have the world look at her), I don’t believeContinue reading “The Fastest Way to Capture Positive Attention”

Expectations versus Entitlement

It’s important to have expectations of ourselves and others – at least a hope and goal that we can make something happen (through ourselves and others). It gives us a starting point to pursue our goals and dreams and a foundation from which to take action. I believe this is a good things. That said,Continue reading “Expectations versus Entitlement”

From Disappointment to Rewards

If you ever feel slighted, disappointed, and even annoyed, pause to find at least one thing you value about this “less than ideal” person or situation. It will help you refocus, regroup, and re-envision what you want going forward. Please be open to  having your mind changed about the person and/or set of circumstances. TheContinue reading “From Disappointment to Rewards”

The Hazards of an Unappreciative Attitude

Ingratitude is like any other noxious material – most like those that are odorless and colorless. Individuals don’t realize how much damage has been done until something important is lost – usually a relationship with a friend, colleague, or family member. The other thing is that an unappreciative attitude can creep in just about anywhereContinue reading “The Hazards of an Unappreciative Attitude”

One of the Most Demotivating Phrases Ever

Just to be clear, there is no screaming, ranting, or cursing involved here. It only takes two words in the following order to encourage and demotivate a person in a nanosecond. The first is “yes” which prepares us for positive acknowledgment, affirmation, and overall support. There is an awesomeness that comes from knowing that weContinue reading “One of the Most Demotivating Phrases Ever”

Celebrator or Detractor?

When you hear about the (personal or professional) success of a family member, friend, or colleague, what’s your first reaction? Are you happy and excited for the person? Or, do you view the individual’s success as a negative judgment of you? In other words, are you a celebrator or a detractor? The first path canContinue reading “Celebrator or Detractor?”

Success Stopper

I don’t believe that anyone wants to consciously derail his success. Yet, I do see people putting the brakes on without being aware of what is happening. In fact, they are often perplexed as to why their goals are not being realized. While there are many factors, one is persistent, pervasive, and powerful – andContinue reading “Success Stopper”

Hip, Hip, Hooray for a Compassionate Artist

I was having lunch with my friend, Sandy, today to celebrate her birthday. Toward the end of our meal, she pulled out her phone to show me an ad from Chicago Magazine featuring a mutual friend (whom I will call “Compassionate Artist”). “Isn’t it fantastic that someone as amazing as Compassionate Artist is the faceContinue reading “Hip, Hip, Hooray for a Compassionate Artist”

When Value is “Hidden”

I met with someone earlier today and she is in both a scary and exciting place – her growth has been consistent and persistent. Along the way, she has developed into a person a courage. What I find so admirable about her is that she knows what she wants now and has the confidence, capacity,Continue reading “When Value is “Hidden””

Step Into Your Strengths

I had lunch with a friend today. A bit of background – I have known her for a long time and deeply admire her talents, values, and excellence. She had recently attended a Strengthsfinder program and I was delighted to see how she has really stepped into her strengths and is confidently moving ahead towardContinue reading “Step Into Your Strengths”