Success Fuel

I am the first to admit this – when an obstacle arises in my life, I freak out – if only for a moment. In that moment, I may think I am failing. As long as I take a step back and see the obstacle for what it is – a challenge to my senseContinue reading “Success Fuel”

Are You Good Enough??? Yes!!!

This past week, someone asked me if she was good enough to reach a goal that is very important to her. While I took her question seriously, I was a stumped that she asked the question in the first place. She is very intelligent, talented, and personable. Yet, there are inklings of doubt in herContinue reading “Are You Good Enough??? Yes!!!”

Advanced Gratitude

Gratitude has levels – just like about anything worthwhile doing in life. It’s totally fine to start at the beginner level. In fact, it’s great to do that, so you have a solid foundation from now and into the future. So here are beginner and advanced levels of gratitude: Beginner Gratitude: This is the stageContinue reading “Advanced Gratitude”

Responsibility Is Key to Success

There are two kinds of people. The first are those who take responsibility for their lives, careers, and winning. While they get knocked down many times, they continue to get back up and move ahead. Even if they complain, it’s a momentary vent and not a way of life. On the other hand, there areContinue reading “Responsibility Is Key to Success”

Beyond the Obvious

Nothing remarkable occurs when we default to the obvious – often what we have done before. Even if your previous answers were successful, going beyond this is actually necessary if you want to grow, advance, and do something remarkable. So go a tiny bit farther than you have before. Have a great day, Anita

A Little Scared Actually Helps

Many people want to make all fear go away – so far away that it never returns. I actually believe that a little fear or nervousness can be a good thing. For me, it keeps me on my toes – so I don’t become complacent when I am doing something I have done many times.Continue reading “A Little Scared Actually Helps”

Don’t Save It – Pass It On

I was visiting some new friends late last year and in the midst of a wonderful brunch, we began to talk about gratitude – a topic near and dear to my heart. The next thing I knew, one of the people rushed into the back of her house and brought me the book, The GratitudeContinue reading “Don’t Save It – Pass It On”

Valued, Respected, and Supported

I was working with someone yesterday and as I listened to him, it is clear that he is someone just about anyone would want to hire, work with, and help succeed. So why is this man valued, respected, and supported by the people on his team, his peers, and senior leadership? For me, the answerContinue reading “Valued, Respected, and Supported”

Uncomfortable versus Discontent

I have two friends who let each of us know when they are not quite happy. To their credit, they both set big goals and then push themselves beyond their perceives limits. Yet one is consistently happily achieving what she sets out to do and the other sees what he does accomplish as falling short.Continue reading “Uncomfortable versus Discontent”

Getting Out of Stagnant Land

Whenever I worry about my day, the week, and even farther into the future, I realize that I am living a bit in “stagnant land”. At those times, I have more than a little fear that diminishes my ability to think differently, be open, and come up with new options. So lately, based on aContinue reading “Getting Out of Stagnant Land”