What If You Are “Supposed” to Feel Grateful?

This time of year is a bit of a paradox. All around are messages of joy, hope, and gratitude. I get the sense that everyone is supposed to feel this way and if you “forget” someone will remind you that you have so much to feel grateful for. Now don’t get me wrong, I knowContinue reading “What If You Are “Supposed” to Feel Grateful?”

Everyone Can Create Positive Value

Over the last week, I have been with six different groups of friends. The topic of discussion was the same for each group: Creating Value. In the world today, it can feel like one individual doesn’t have enough power to create much of anything positive. What was so encouraging to me, is that my friendsContinue reading “Everyone Can Create Positive Value”

The Power of Growth (Even a Little)

Growth spurts, in the many forms they can take, often come with a bit of pain. Think of the meaning of the phrase “growing pains”. This refers to challenges experienced at the early stages of some goal or aspiration. It is the struggles found in transitions of many kinds: from relationships to career. When youContinue reading “The Power of Growth (Even a Little)”

What is Central in Your Life?

It’s not always obvious what is most important to your life. What is central in your life? Take a look at where you spend your time, resources, and energy. This is a really good indicator of the source of the outcomes in your life – those you like and even those you don’t. So, forContinue reading “What is Central in Your Life?”

Career Advice From a Child

Who gives good career advice? If you look around, there is no shortage of experts all over the world sharing what they believe will help you achieve professional greatness, or at least advancement. While there is much to be gained from people with expertise in a variety of fields on a host of topics, IContinue reading “Career Advice From a Child”

Your Inner Artist and Greater Success

When first graders are asked how many are artists, they all raise their hands. They are filled with curiosity and they keep self-consciousness outside of their thoughts. As a result, their works of art are masterpieces. Yet by fifth or sixth grade, when asked who are artists – only one or maybe two raise theirContinue reading “Your Inner Artist and Greater Success”

“Unhide” Your Resources

There are so many people and things who are ready to help you (and perhaps already have), and yet they need to be seen and felt to be “counted”. At times, the resources are right in front of you even if you can’t “see” them. The reasons are many – from that the assistance isContinue reading ““Unhide” Your Resources”

Why Take Responsibility

Recently, I was with a group of friends on zoom and we were studying some very uplifting materials. It was about finding gratitude and positive advancement in even rather challenging circumstances. Person after person (including me) shared how taking full responsibility for the good and not so good stuff changes their lives for the better.Continue reading “Why Take Responsibility”