Turning the Corner

What does it mean to turn the corner? For me, it’s when I have hit a point when I am changing for the better and my environment is beginning to reflect it.  The tricky part for me, that at times, the shift can feel like it is getting farther and farther away – and thatContinue reading “Turning the Corner”

The Power of a Feedback Loop

Some people like feedback and others shy away from it because it is too scary. I will admit that I was one of those people who feared feedback – especially the critical kind. I think my perspective was a leftover from early in my life, having one parent with super high standards for herself andContinue reading “The Power of a Feedback Loop”

Ready for an Appreciation Cocktail?

Ready for an Appreciation Cocktail? There are no calories or alcohol – but there is a buzz and a good one. An appreciation cocktail is the result of your committing to something, taking action on it, and completing what you say you are going to do. It is a neurobiological incentive in the form ofContinue reading “Ready for an Appreciation Cocktail?”

The Power of Bold 

I have a friend and colleague who is talented, creative, and bold. She is one of those rare people who knows when it is time to expand her capacity, take on a new challenge, and be bold on her own terms. This is what I truly admire about her – she knows who she is,Continue reading “The Power of Bold “

A Change of Heart

A change of heart could be a good thing or a not so good thing. I like to focus on the former – when a change of heart makes things better. If you have one way of seeing a person or situation, and it’s not favorable – your actions and attitude toward the individual orContinue reading “A Change of Heart”

Appreciation in Four Parts – Part Four: Value Challenge and Unplanned Growth 

Part four of appreciation can be the most daunting, and at the same time have the greatest growth and value. While this growth can be exponential, initially it is often unplanned, unwelcome, and even unwanted. There is even a tendency (which I have experienced myself) to not take responsibility to create value from whatever you’reContinue reading “Appreciation in Four Parts – Part Four: Value Challenge and Unplanned Growth “

Appreciation in Four Parts – Part Three: Value Your Future 

At this point, you likely have a good handle on your own current  value and the value others have bring to your life. You can see how these things and people has helped shape you in the present and the perspective you have on  how to take your next steps toward your goals, dreams, andContinue reading “Appreciation in Four Parts – Part Three: Value Your Future “

Appreciation in Four Parts – Part Two: Value Others 

Pause for a moment and think about people who make your life better. This can be anyone from a loved one that you see everyday to a mentor or teacher, to someone at your favorite diner who serves you lunch.  Then go back to that handy dandy place where you create lists and actions toContinue reading “Appreciation in Four Parts – Part Two: Value Others “

Appreciation in Four Parts – Part One: Value Yourself 

It’s so interesting that people can see value all around them, but not so much in themselves. Yet, this is foundational for success, happiness, and positive relationships.  So as a next and simple step, pull out wherever you write things down, whether that’s an old school piece of paper or a file on your phone.Continue reading “Appreciation in Four Parts – Part One: Value Yourself “