Waiting in Action

I am a big believer that waiting is an obvious sign of procrastination. “What the heck are you waiting for?” is a question that comes very naturally to me. Yet waiting can have a very different purpose. If you allow it, waiting can be a powerful and active. It can create the space for theContinue reading “Waiting in Action”

Change Your Focus or Fail

If you look outside yourself and hope that others or circumstances will change, you won’t succeed at a high level. The most successful people look at themselves first, see what needs to be modified, and have the courage to take action. The results are amazing. Impossible is not an option and blame is a rareContinue reading “Change Your Focus or Fail”

Is Your Dream Big Enough?

I was chatting with my friend, Noriko, last Saturday and the conversation veered toward dreams. Not the kind you have while you are sleeping, but the ones you hold close to your heart. “Is your dream big enough?” she asked. Wow. I hadn’t thought about that question in a long time. I must confess thatContinue reading “Is Your Dream Big Enough?”

Where’s the Gratitude?

I have been developing some new programming and have upped my level of reading books on career and leadership development. While there is great content, I noticed, with few exceptions, that a discussion of gratitude was sadly missing. What an amazing gap that can be filled by you if you focus your attention on finding,Continue reading “Where’s the Gratitude?”

Money is Just the Start

I was on the bus this morning and thinking about money. Money is important – of course. It provides the means to have the things we need – food, clothing, and shelter and more. Yet I see how many people (myself included – at times) see it as the endgame and are frustrated when moreContinue reading “Money is Just the Start”

Know Your Strengths, Increase Your Success

I woke up this morning at 3am. While it was not planned, it was profoundly enlightening. I had been struggling with the structure of my next book and this all came together in the middle of the night. I was approaching my next book project without leveraging my strengths – duh? Really double duh? IContinue reading “Know Your Strengths, Increase Your Success”

Will You Succeed?

Several years ago, a friend questioned my commitment to have the things that I wanted in life. First, I was shocked. Then, I felt upset with him – like it was his fault that I seemed half-hearted. Finally, I realized that Dennis was right – I liked a lot of things, was talented in manyContinue reading “Will You Succeed?”

Grow the Good Stuff

When I was a teenager (with angst greater than everyone else’s – at least so I thought), my mother told me to accept and appreciate my extra girth. I weighed nearly two hundred pounds most of high school. I thought her approach was ridiculous. How could I possibly value my fat? What I have comeContinue reading “Grow the Good Stuff”

The Success of the Beginner

Today I am presenting a welcome session for the new Executive MBA students at Chicago Booth. This week, nearly 300 students, from the London, Singapore, and Chicago campuses are starting the transformative ride of their lives. They are open, hopeful, and filled with great expectations of the vast possibilities in front of them. For thoseContinue reading “The Success of the Beginner”