Look Into Your Future – Do You See Success?

The future is purchased by the present. Samuel Johnson If you want a peek at your future, look at your focus, attention, and effort in the present. Today’s actions create tomorrow’s habits of success or failure.  Choose where you’d like to be and take one 5-minute action each day to help you get there. WhereContinue reading “Look Into Your Future – Do You See Success?”

The Sure-Fire Method for Building Powerful Relationships

If you really want to understand the people around you – at home, school, work, or in your community – talk to them one on one. Ask them about their lives – about their goals, dreams, challenge and achievements. Then give them your rapt attention. Listen with your ears and your heart and be willingContinue reading “The Sure-Fire Method for Building Powerful Relationships”

Is Crisis Necessary for Success?

I hate a crisis – some urgent demand for me to act or react to a less than pleasant situation. Do you ever wonder if crises would occur at all (from the individual to the world at large) if each of us rehabbed our insides on a regular basis? So instead of waiting for aContinue reading “Is Crisis Necessary for Success?”

Success Through Self-Acceptance

I am what I am. Popeye So what about you? Acceptance is seeing the way it is. It is not approval, contentment, or even liking what is. Acceptance also isn’t passive, but the first step to successful action. Until you accept all of who you are, you are looking through filters of must’s and should’s.Continue reading “Success Through Self-Acceptance”

Give Out of Greatness

When someone asks for volunteers, do you jump up and down and yell, “Choose me!!!” without ever deciding if it’s something you want to do. Maybe it’s not quite that dramatic, but if there’s the teeniest grain of truth in this – consider a different way. Some of the most stressed out people around can’tContinue reading “Give Out of Greatness”

A Key to Success: From This Moment Forward

Don’t let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was. Richard L. Evans Initially, your goal was a dream. You rose to the challenge to begin achieving it. But now, are you distracted by the stress of daily life? Do you think about giving up? Why did youContinue reading “A Key to Success: From This Moment Forward”

When Less Really Leads to More Success

I had recently struggled with a lingering bout of laryngitis. I was incredibly frustrated, upset, and unhappy about it. That isn’t to say that I shut up. I gave two classes, conducted a podcast interview, and had countless coaching appointments (in person, by phone, and via Skype.) What is wrong with me, you may wonder.Continue reading “When Less Really Leads to More Success”

Wealth – Denying You Have It Is Downright Arrogant

“Are you wealthy?” I asked a group I was speaking to last fall. I received puzzled looks and skeptical stares from twenty or so middle income men and women. Then one man raised his hand to speak. “Denying you’re wealthy is arrogant,” he stated. I was a bit taken aback, so I asked him whatContinue reading “Wealth – Denying You Have It Is Downright Arrogant”

Do You Have the Courage to Succeed?

“True courage can emerge from the most unlikely lives. Just know it’s there, in your life and those around you.” Uncle Mush Most people believe they lack courage. Nothing is farther from the truth. Human beings are endowed with the ability to meet challenges. It’s an inner bravery that comes out when you need it.Continue reading “Do You Have the Courage to Succeed?”

Accelerating Your Success with “Mistakes”

Tyranny reigns in many people’s lives. It comes not in the form of a malevolent person, but as a looming fear of doing the wrong thing. So the choice is yours – you can seek to avoid making mistakes at all cost or you can relax a little. In doing so, you could just giveContinue reading “Accelerating Your Success with “Mistakes””