Win First Thing

If you win first thing in the morning, then you can happily succeed in your whole day. If your mind is filled with worries about what you did yesterday or concerned about all the things you need to do today, you’ll be defeated before you even start. So to win in the morning, clear yourContinue reading “Win First Thing”

STOP in the Name of Success and Happiness

I have been working on a project for a while now and I allow myself to get taken off course by so-called “urgent” activities. Now these critical items could be anything from an “instant” deadline at work to a frantic friend or family member in need of an immediate phone call. I rarely say, “no”Continue reading “STOP in the Name of Success and Happiness”

Clean Your Slate for Advancement

Artist, Peter Arno, once said, “Well, back to the old drawing board.” If you slip, forgive yourself immediately. Then you can start tomorrow with a clean slate, without any holdover guilt. Sure you have challenges. They’re part of being a sensitive human being in a complex world. Write down a mistake you made recently. NowContinue reading “Clean Your Slate for Advancement”

Reliability Leads to Success and Happiness

Individuals of character do what they say they will do, when they say they will do it, and according to the agreed upon conditions. Keeping your agreements shows you care and can be trusted. When you respect yourself enough to keep your commitments even when it’s inconvenient to do so, others will come to respectContinue reading “Reliability Leads to Success and Happiness”

Do You Have the Focus to Succeed?

I spent this morning with two friends and a friend of theirs on their start-up – a very exciting future organization. Yet when we started chatting about what they stood for, our conversation went off into so many directions that my head started to spin. It’s not that it isn’t great fun to brainstorm andContinue reading “Do You Have the Focus to Succeed?”

Are Your Actions Leading to Success?

Small doable steps are great, right? Well yes and no. While it’s essential to take consistent action at a pace that’s feasible for you, there’s more. It’s crucial that the steps are linked to a plan with a clear pathway to help you get where you want to go. Then each step is more thanContinue reading “Are Your Actions Leading to Success?”

Are Your Standards Too High?

If nobody’s perfect, then why do you have to be? Anonymous Have your ever excused a friend’s mistake with “Don’t worry. Nobody’s perfect.” But are you impatient and intolerant with yourself? Try having the courage to be imperfect. Banish perfectionism and you’ll promote steady inner growth, success, and happiness. It’s a way of being gentleContinue reading “Are Your Standards Too High?”

Real Praise = Success and Happiness

Yesterday, I got together with several friends and we had a lively discussion about praise. While this may not seem like a controversial topic, there were certainly strong opinions. What was the nature of the praise? Who did it come from? Was this “admiration” straight up and honest or compromised by a few beers orContinue reading “Real Praise = Success and Happiness”

The Success Happiness Multiplier

Are you successful and happy?  If you are hungry for achievement and satisfaction, why not reach out and acknowledge someone else’s accomplishments. Who would appreciate your admiring thoughts and words today? Write a note. Make a call. What goes around will come back to you – when you least expect it. Have a great weekend,Continue reading “The Success Happiness Multiplier”