The Gap That Will Get You

I was listening, reading, and watching a number of things in the last week and it wasn’t pretty. I suspect that these presentations that focused on others’ faults were clearly “chasing” me. Given this, I needed to look inside my own heart and mind and at least acknowledge my “inner complainer”. That was the firstContinue reading “The Gap That Will Get You”

Do Expectations Lead to Success or Failure?

I was chatting with a colleague from Asia this morning and we were discussing how people either do or don’t build successful long-term relationships. Much of it revolves around expectations. While we all have them, they can actually trip us up. When we have expectations of others, it’s likely that they won’t be completely meetContinue reading “Do Expectations Lead to Success or Failure?”

Own it All

It’s super easy to own the good things that happen in our lives. For me (at least), much harder to embrace the challenging stuff. Yet, I have some to know that how I view what comes my way determines whether I am deterred by it or if I am excited and motivated to see whatContinue reading “Own it All”